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Food Pantry

Collage of well-stocked food pantry scenes: 1) A person organizing boxes and packages outside a store, 2) A well-organized pantry with colorful food items, 3) A shelf stocked with canned goods, and 4) A spacious pantry room with neatly arranged shelvesAYFS, through MEFAP and a partnership with Worcester County Food Bank, operates a food pantry and food distribution program at 21 Pheasant Court. The mission of our food program is to help alleviate hunger for Auburn’s children and families, and to educate families about the importance of good nutrition. The pantry strives to offer a variety of healthy food choices (such as: fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, meats,etc.) while also offering different options to access food items.

The food pantry operates for in-person on Wednesday from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm. Appointments are required. To make an appointment, please call 508-832-5707 ext 102.

We also offer curbside food pickup and delivery on Thursdays. For any questions, please call Lisa at 508-832-5707 ext. 102.